It was sometime in 2008 I believe that we really gave thought to building a farm. It was a few years later reality set in and we focused more on a homestead. Neither of us had ever lived on a homestead and we had no...
Stalking and Harassment…. continues
posted by: BlessedLittleHomestead
April 1, 2020
I am the sole provider for my family, I am the owner/operator of a very busy pet salon. My husband is a stay at home homeschool dad of currently 9 children. We mind our own business and keep to ourselves. For the past 5 years...
It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. I like sharing my story but I don’t like having to explain myself, especially not 1000 times. And that happens a lot on FB. To recap. We are dealing with more legal stuff. I’ve been trying...
Some of you may have wondered why I’ve not posted in a while, and why the BLH FB page is down. Simply put, that is just not our focus right now. I am also taking issue with Facebook itself. It’s policies are hypocritical and shady....
It’s the Homestead Husband’s Birthday
posted by: BlessedLittleHomestead
April 13, 2019
Look who is having a birthday!! Olivia is a gift giver. She loves getting gifts for people. She’s extremely considerate and generous. So of course when it’s her favorite person’s birthday she gave it a lot of thought. She wanted to make him a T-shirt....
I had a dentist appointment scheduled for today and when I realized it was down the road from Bernheim forest I thought it was a grand plan for a family adventure if the weather was cooperative. What I didn’t realize is that it was also...
Ezra is such an amazing young man. He’s so sweet and compassionate. He’s like kind of child you just love to snuggle. Hes a rugged boy. He loves wrestling with dad, it’s his favorite thing to do. He will look for any opportunity to jump...
The Homestead Journal ~ Vol 2 Week 9-13 ~ Was It Really 5 Weeks?
posted by: BlessedLittleHomestead
April 1, 2019
I’ve been so busy that one day turned into the next and this weekend turned into next weekend. I’m working on making blogging a habit but I’m aware the Homestead Journal is lacking. I regret getting out of it. But I’ll have a slightly new...
Mosiah is such a spunky boy. He didn’t use to be but as he’s gotten older he’s become more outgoing. He’s also at that age where he’s stuck between being a little boy and a big kid. He loves being outside and running wild....
Inside the Truth~ Chapter 1: Hello Newman
posted by: BlessedLittleHomestead
March 8, 2019
When we moved to Breckinridge County we wanted to find that happy medium of keeping to ourselves but also know the community a little. Being the friendly guy he is, my husband was sure to introduce himself to the Sherrif when we had paperwork to file...