Inside the Truth ~ The Blessed Little Homestead Story of Corruption, Collusion and Compassion

Inside the Truth~ Chapter 1: Hello Newman

Inside the Truth~ Chapter 1: Hello Newman

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  3. ben14251Ben

    This individual should never been given a gun and a badge.

  4. BlessedLittleHomestead

    Well by the looks of things Todd Pate is the one who needs proper supervision. Why don’t you keep your eye on him. I’m sure you have seen HIM in the news… AGAIN

  5. Nicole.

    So proper supervision isn’t something children have the right to? Noted. ?

    Don’t worry, I’m sure we will be seeing you in the news again soon. So glad you haven’t added more children to the family, focus on keeping the ones you have properly supervised and cared for then you won’t have problems with the Sheriff.

  6. BlessedLittleHomestead

    I don’t understand your need to tell me how to live my life, and certainly not how to parent, but I will say that I have you blocked on all my other social media and this won’t be any different.

    I already explained the situation with my daughter and that is all I’m going to say.

  7. Nicole

    It’s obvious you cannot provide proper supervision for your children if they end up a mile from home and are picked up by strangers. Children have rights too, don’t they? Don’t they have the right to protection and proper supervision?

  8. BlessedLittleHomestead

    It’s obvious you don’t understand your rights. You lack of knowledge doesn’t have any impact on my decision.

  9. Nicole

    The officers were respectful, they were much more patient than they had to be. You and your husband escalated the situation which could have been completely avoided. Maybe don’t have more children than you can properly supervise.

  10. BlessedLittleHomestead

    So did I escalated by invoking my rights or did the officer escalated by violating those rights?

    I asked him if he suspected of me committing a crime he did not he could not cite me the law that he told me I broke.

    Well you may not value your rights, I do and I should not be penalized for that.

  11. Nicole

    This could have easily been avoided. You escalated it and you neglected to provide proper supervision for your child. You’re damn lucky it wasn’t a dangerous person who picked her up off of the road. The officers had every right to be concerned and to speak with her without you influencing her.

  12. BlessedLittleHomestead

    That’s kind of my point. We have certain rights and just because it makes a law-enforcement officer uncomfortable when I invoke those rights does not in anyway give him the authority to violate my rights. And I’m always distrustful of people who try to justify police retaliating against someone who invokes their rights

  13. Lori Mchughes

    In all honesty, had you just let the officer talk to Olivia in the very beginning, nothing would have come of that particular situation. Officers are trained to be extra guarded when a citizen is defensive right out of the gate. For you to be so guarded, throws up a lot of red flags to the authorities.

  14. Stephanie

    Very first question…do you have a warrant to enter my property? If not, I request you leave. Come back with a warrant.

    What a jerk. No wonder you had so much trouble. He is a typical southern “good ole boy” and i can’t stand them.

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