There are numerous FB pages and a blog run by a handful of people who have made an aggressive effort to destroy my family and my business.
This is an example of what they post.
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Dear children,
Where do I start? First, I guess, is this. People have never mocked or harassed you. Your parents, particularly your mother, has twisted and spun comments about you, in an effort to blame us for her negligence. When we have made our concerns known about issues such as your just learning to read when your peers would be into chapter books; your ill-fitting and torn, dirty clothing; the expectation that you cook your own food in third world conditions because your parents can’t be bothered; the fact that you all sleep together with no privacy for emerging adolescents etc; those comments are directed at your parents and not any of you.
I am sorry that you have parents who care more about social media than about you.
I am sorry that you had to lug buckets of crap and then dump it on the ground.
I am sorry that you then had to play in the fecal mud.
I am sorry that you had to lay outside in the elements, on filthy blankets on the ground while most of you were puking your guts up. I am sorry that your mother was so cavalier about your suffering and that she took pictures and then commented that you wouldn’t take food again without asking.
I am sorry that you don’t get to see a doctor when you are ill; when you have 2nd and 3rd degree burns; when you need stitches and for vaccinations and well check-ups.
I am sorry that your parents took $45,000 and did nothing with it to improve your lives.
I am sorry your parents lie about how you live and that there is no garden with nourishing veggies, no fresh eggs because your free-ranging chickens would be laying everywhere and no adequate protein source. It was inconceivable that rabbits were being raised to feed the dogs good food, while you were dining on hot dogs fried in a filthy pan, in an equally filthy kitchen.
I am sorry that you have to cook for yourselves and that food comes from dented mystery cans.
I am sorry that as soon as you are off your mom’s boob, you are replaced with a new baby.
I am sorry that you don’t have your own bedrooms, or beds, and that you are all crammed into a loft, sleeping on plywood on and under filthy blankets.
I am sorry that you aren’t receiving any kind of education.
I am sorry that your father took two months to test clean. It doesn’t take that long for marijuana to clear the system. I am sorry he put weed before you.
I am sorry your parents are making the world such a fearful place for you. I hope you can break that bondage and realize that there is no conspiracy; the government is not out to get you and your parents are abusive. The world is what you make it and your parents have chosen to make it a horrible place. Yes, you are suffering because of THEIR choices.
I am sorry that you don’t have friends in the community.
I am sorry that you don’t participate in sports, or clubs, or other activities.
I am sorry that before the never-ending court dates your parents go to, there is a period of manic craziness on your mother’s part. I am sorry too that your mother has lied about the reasons for these court dates and that she has lied under oath. She doesn’t seem to realize that doing this under oath is perjury and could result in her going to jail.
I am sorry that your mother refuses to see a doctor during this pregnancy. It scares us that she looks so ill and is exhibiting signs of some very serious complications.
I am sorry that this is going to be a particularly rough week for you because of your father’s harassment charge and court date next week. We all recognize that right before court, your parents spiral out of control. We hope and pray you remain safe.
I am sorry there are so many skeletons in your parents’ closets and that there are leaks in the dams they have tried to carefully craft. Disturbing information is coming to light but in the end it will save you all.
I am sorry your father thinks he has divine inspiration. In truth, he is wickedly twisting Scripture to suit his awful thoughts. Again, we pray you keep safe.
I am just so sorry about everything you have to endure. There are people who are watching and working to see you experience what it means to be really and truly loved and cared for one day. It will be hard at first, because as crappy as your parents are, they are still your parents. We understand that. However, we know that over time you will begin to embrace a new life – love, good food, education, friends, clean clothes, your own bed, medical care, calm environment, structure you can count on etc. Your oldest brother is already making this adjustment. He is experiencing stability and real loving care for the first time. I think he will be a great dad and a good husband despite his upbringing.
I am sorry that you can’t be rescued right this second. However, please remember that you are not forgotten. We are working hard on your behalf.
I am sorry.
Harry G. Nome
Anything perceived as different from the viewers’ idea of what “normal” life is seems to be attacked. If the kids are happy and healthy, then where is the issue? I slept on the floor by choice often as a child, and out of a car, etc as a young adult. Only in my mid to late twenties did doing such things begin to bother me due to aching bones. Working and daily tasks promoting self sufficiency sound healthy to me… the people opposed to such probably raised pampered kids that can’t stand on their own two feet as adults in any sense.
Eulanda Hibler
Wow..the throlls..need treatment now..they need bars..for this abusive harrasment…just wow unbelievable the way they think is dangerous period
Jackie Dupree
Im sorry you and your family has to go through all of this.
That makes me want to cry. Prayers.
No, the lofts are not too small for a bed. You just think there’s only one type of bed to sleep on.
Janea, they don’t. The loft they sleep in is too small for beds at all. It’s plywood for the children.
I know the answer is no.
I think all kid’s deserve their own bed. A real bed not just some sleeping bags piled up on a plywood floor in a garden shed loft. Do all your children have one?
A nasty person with zero respect for the children’s feelings. I could probably understand this person’s dislike for Mom and Dad, but to target the children this way is simply cruel and mean.
These people are absolutely ridiculous. If they truly had an interest in your children they wouldn’t have started what they have, they wouldn’t be doing what they are doing.
There have been so many posts harassing your kids. Not just what they’re doing but how they’re doing. No constructive criticism, just mind boggling ugliness.
They’re just ugly people, inside and out.
I didn’t know all of that was going on. That’s heartbreaking.
Pathetic garbage. I’m not sure u should post this and give the troll any publicity at all. She’s ignorant and should be ignored. Bless you and your family.
Elizabeth Litts
What kind of crazy woman wrote this? I look and see happy healthy clean kids! Just another self rightous nosy witch.
Do the kids have their own beds? Surely they do.
do you have a specific response as to why any of this above is incorrect information? It really seems to fit the narrative of your facebook posts. Maybe it is time to take this as a learning moment and see why the change of you losing your children is still there. I dont wish that for anyone but take a step back and read the words that were written
The kind of people who write this kind of rubbish, are the kind of people no one can reason with. These people are trying to brainwash your children with their warped stories, in hopes that they (the kids) might believe it and turn against their father and mother. It is sad when people attempt to pit kids against their parents. I pray that all of you can get away from all this.
They can’t get more pathetic than that.
Public comment private life.
I’m confused as to what part of this is false? It seems to follow your own posted time line perfectly.