Mosiah Daniel ~3 months old Mosiah loves the camera, and is very expressive as you can tell. He loves his big brothers and sisters. He is very active and loves going for evening walks in the woods
Lucas Teomner~ 3 Years Old Lucas is quite a character. He is headstrong and is fully capable. He is highly intelligent and adventurous. Lucas can be found right in the middle of what ever is going on.
Ezra Douglas Age 4 Ezra has been a shy cautious child most of his life. Then he turned 4. He has been caught climbing trees, approaching animals, and cracking jokes. He still is a bit reserved, but I love seeing this new side of him.
Urijah Patrick Age 6 Urijah is an adventurous child. He is also quite dramatic. He makes the best faces and you always know how he feels by the looks he gives. He loves being outside and dirty.
Olivia Celeste 7 years old Olivia is the best of both worlds. She is gentle and nurturing enough to take care of a newborn, but feisty enough to take on a bear. She is someone you want on your side! She can usually be found with Urijah somewhere on an adventure
Zachary Michael Age 8 Zachary has always been my most unique child. He does his own thing, lives in his own world. We are learning to accept that He loves all animals and they take to him quite well. He can usually be found down by the pond catching frogs.
Isaac Edward 10 years old Isaac is a very sensible child. He loves to learn and is really good at trivia and is always taking notes. I often forget his is as young as he is.
Abigail Rhiannon 11 years old Little Miss Bookworm. Abigail is a lover of animals and art. She is very talented and creative.
Quinten Nicholas
13 years old
Quinten is an excellent older brother and is often one of the first to help with the babies. He enjoys working alone,
and working with his hands. He is usually off somewhere with tools, trying to invent some new way of doing things.
He is an engineer through and through.
Jacob Cody 15 years old Jacob is an outdoorsman. He loves gardening and agriculture. He
Momma Nicole
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