Look who is having a birthday!!
Olivia is a gift giver. She loves getting gifts for people. She’s extremely considerate and generous. So of course when it’s her favorite person’s birthday she gave it a lot of thought. She wanted to make him a T-shirt. She put in on paper expecting Isaac and I to make a shirt with regular font, but we used her handwriting! Then she and Isaac put it in a box, in a box in a box! Lol
Of course Joe loves it. He loves being a dad. He’s an excellent stay at home dad. It’s his perfect job. You might have noticed a trimmer Joe in our photos lately! He’s lost a ton of weight and is feeling great. Watching my husband this past year I’ve fallen in love with him even more. He is my rock. He’s the best dad and the best husband ever.
Happy 44th Birthday
?? Bunches and Bunches ??
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bashamfamilyKelly Basham
Hope you had a awesome Birthday Joe!!!
Brandy Lea Sanders
Happy Birthday
Jackie Dupree
Happy Birthday.
Happy birthday Joe. You’re looking great! What’s your weight loss secret??
misty zaranti
HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!!